Beautiful Possibilities

On Thursday, March 25th, the cosmetology shop ventured on a field trip to Ulta in the Boardman Mall. The purpose? To learn about different job opportunities in the the field of cosmetology.

“Of all the educational field trips I’ve been on,” states sophomore Lillian Bevens, “This was the best. I learned about how they laid out their store, about the many different products they offer, and the opportunities for a career in sales or in the salon!”

Sophomore Gianna Burcham says, “One day, I would really like to work at a place like Ulta! It is an amazing store!”

At Ulta, they toured the facility, checked out products, sat in the massage chairs, and purchased some fun items like makeup, mirrors and moisturizers!

This field trip energized our LCCTC CA students and they look forward to continuing their studies in the field of Cosmetology where “the possibilities are beautiful.”

Carolyn McVickerComment