Nye (CA) Assists with Veterand & Agent Orange Veterans Project

The CA Basic/Intermediate class recently had the honor of helping out with the Veteran & Agent Orange Veterans Project. Students worked with Hugh Coryea, currently on our maintenance staff and former LCCTC Hall of Fame inductee, to design promotional materials for the event.

CA sophomore Robin Nye's design was chosen by the organization to be made into a banner which will be used at their community events and Ryan Banks, also a sophomore, had his design chosen to be made into road signs to promote their Veteran Weekend Get Away. 

If you see these students please congratulate them on having their work selected by the client. 

The organization is a nonprofit founded in honor of Ken Shiderly, Sr. and helps and supports veterans in Lawrence County and surrounding communities. 

Their Veteran Weekend Get Away is open to any veteran or active duty military members and will be held May 3-5 in Ellwood City. See Hugh for more information.

In addition to covering the material costs the organization is funding a pizza party for the students involved and yesterday we had the opportunity as a class to take a photo with Hugh.

Thanks again to Hugh and his organization for all they do for our local veterans, CA was proud to be able to contribute.

Carolyn McVickerComment