Pass Your Test You Will: HA EMT Passes Exam for the Second Year

Please join us in congratulating our LCCTC EMT students Cassidy Crepp, Katarina Lang, and Austin Paukner. On Thursday, May 4th — “Star Wars Day, these three traveled to EMS West in Pittsburgh today for their psychomotor (hands-on exam), and we’re proud to announce that THEY ALL PASSED! They put in the work and effort since September and lived up to our word of the year, “INITIATIVE”. We — especially their instructor, Mr. Vince Pavia — cannot be more proud of this group.

To give an idea of what these students needed to learn for their hands-on skills test: patient trauma assessment & treatment, patient medical assessment & treatment, oxygen administration by a nonrebreather mask of a patient in respiratory distress, suctioning airway and insertion of an oropharyngeal airway of an unconscious patient, bleeding control utilizing a tourniquet, healthcare provider CPR, splinting a long bone fracture, and slinging and swathing of a fractured clavicle.

This continues LCCTC’s Health Assistant EMT program with a 100% pass rate into our second year of offering the course. These three students are now eligible for the cognitive exam which will be taken before the end of the year.

Good luck Austin, Cassidy, and Katarina, and great job! And congratulations, Mr. Pavia! We’re proud of you, too!