LCCTC participates in the D10 SkillsUSA Championships

Of the numerous opportunities offered to SkillsUSA Members, there is one that is both nerve-wracking and exciting: the championships. On January 13, 2023, District 10 SkillsUSA hosted district championships at both Lawrence County CTC and the New Castle School of Trades. 

It takes many to make this all happen. District 10’s competition involved students from 13 technical schools in Western Pennsylvania — all ready to show off their skills; in all, over 350 students competed in 60 different competitions. Volunteer experts from industry gave their time and talents to assist with the judging and, in some cases, even chairing the events. In all, Lawrence County CTC selected 55 students to compete in three categories: skilled and technical sciences, occupational development, and leadership.

After each student finished their competition, after each scoring sheet is checked and double-checked for accuracy and the final numbers are entered into the computer, and after the dust of the day settles, our students at LCCTC will now spend the next week in waiting to hear the results. A hybrid afternoon assembly will take place on the following week; participants and their families will watch it live while the rest of the school will watch the broadcast. Until then, anxious students will impatiently wait for their results — much like they would after a job interview as they wait for that phone call stating, “You got the job.”

Here’s the honest truth — they are all successful — for their willingness to try, their patient practice, and their sense of peace being able to say, “I did my very best.” Regardless of the outcome of Friday’s assembly, each and every single student represented LCCTC with incredible skill and professionalism; for that, we are so incredibly proud of them.

Below are a few photos from the event; enjoy seeing those moments of nervous pre-competition jitters, during competition focus, and post-competition smiles:

SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers, and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. SkillsUSA provides educational programs, events, and competitions that support career and technical education in the nation's classrooms.

Carolyn McVickerSkillsUSA