Peer Leaders Welcome Jeff Tech Students

Gobbler’s Knob is home to more than the world-famous (or should we say, “infamous”) Punxsutawney Phil; nestled among the charm found near streams, farmlands, and forests, Jefferson County is also home to Jeff Tech, also known as Jefferson County-Dubois Area Vocational-Technical School, a comprehensive career and technical high school much like we have at LCCTC. And as our students returned to LCCTC to continue their studies, Peer Leadership welcomed students from Jeff Tech to network with other CTC students and to have a bit of fun.

Approximately forty-five Jefferson County students earned the opportunity to participate in this SWPBS activity, warming relations between one “sister” school and the next. In a tournament-style format, students from both schools played several spirited games of volleyball, offering all to get to meet and share their career and technical experiences between one county and the next.

This was the first time Jeff Tech students made the trip. Not knowing what to expect, junior cosmetologist Szofia Miller states, “It was honestly one of the most exciting events I’ve participated in at our school. I was extremely privileged to be a part of this event. It was interesting to see how another tech school reacted to our school.”

“They’re just like us!” exclaimed Corrin Clouston, junior health assistant student. “And they’re so nice!”

During lunch, students were treated to a delicious lunch of pepperoni rolls, crispy french fries, and finished with freshly-made cookies made by our RT students.

As tray after tray of fresh-from-the-oven chocolate chip cookies circled around the gymnasium, Jeff Tech student Phoenix Neiswonger states, “It was a great time with some great food!”

“The day was amazing,” states Jeff Tech student Kirsten Morrow. “I would definitely do it again!”

Before the day ended, LCCTC Peer Leaders led Jeff Tech students were lead through tours of the academic and vocational wings of the building, providing our students to truly show off what we do best — educating young people and preparing them for their future careers.

The Peer Leaders would like to thank all of the administrators, teachers, and students who participated in this event. They kind efforts made this day possible!

Jeff Tech student Melakii Woolbright states, “LCCTC is a really nice place. I recommend coming here.” So do we, Melakii. So do we.