Appreciation and Respect: Veteran's Day Parade 2019

by Stormie Rotonour, junior Health Assistant

On Saturday morning, November 9th, 2019, the Lawrence County Chapter of SkillsUSA Opening and Closing Team and 2019 State Gold Medalists participated in our city’s annual Veteran’s Day Parade.

As the team made their way along the route, it was humbling to look into the eyes of the veterans and to shake their hands. “Without our veterans,” reflects HA junior Stormie Rotonour, “we would not have the free, safe lives we live today.”

“I learned how to identify the men and women who served our country — by their hats!” states cosmetology sophomore Maylene Ritter. “It was an honor to thank them for their service.”

Early Saturday morning, these ten, led by O & C Coach and teacher Mrs. McVicker, gathered to pass out small flags and to give thanks. Wearing matching team jackets and donning handmade hats and scarves made by former LCCTC secretary Sandy Jones, the ten students and graduates braved the downtown weather and marched on.

Katie Bober, sophomore Vet Assistant states, “Veteran’s Day is a time to reflect on the service — to reflect on the sacrifice that so many made so that I can have the life I love.'“

Positioned near the end of the parade behind bands, drill teams, and cheerleaders, LCCTC’s students and graduates made their way through the streets. They were warmly greeted by community members, Veterans, and their families whose hearts were already filled with so much support across the county.

“I was honored to show appreciation and respect for so many who devoted their lives to our country,” states Hanna Hasson, sophomore welder.

Although the temperatures dipped compared to the weekend before, it didn’t deter parade-goes from attending. It was great to see that there was a healthy turnout.

The ability to say a simple, “Thank you” was an honor. These SkillsUSA members could look at their time spent walking in the parade as a service project; however, the warmth and kindness returned from the veterans and families made it seem like the SkillsUSA members were the recipients of something special, instead.

Veterans — LCCTC appreciates and respects you! Thank you for our service.