Snowy Welcome -- LCCTC-style!

By ~ Eagle Staff

We can all agree that the students in Commercial Art are talented, but they really showed their skills when they helped spread a little holiday cheer — LCCTC-style!

As you enter the building, you are greeted with a life-sized snowman, but if you look closely, this snowman is helping prepare you for your careers with a few friendly reminders! Check out his hat and sweater: gold and black, our school’s colors. And what’s on the sweater’s front? Yes! It’s our very own LCCTC eagle mascot!

In a regular setting, the stockings would be filled with toys, fun for girls and boys, but OUR snowman brings gifts of a different kind. Adorning the front of every stocking are our school’s initials, but it gets even better: inside — you’ll find tools for every shop. There’s even a cute little puppy!

Who can we thank for this? It all started with a bit of math — careful measurements are needed to ensure proper dimension; this was done by Tyler Barker and Grayson Corbin. We can thank the creativity of Nevada Grannis, Misty Jones, Zoey Galat, and Sabrina Marci for the thoughtful design. and it was the skilled hands of Nevada, Misty, and Zoey who put the final touches on it as they carefully painted each piece!

We would like to thank everyone, especially Mr. DeRosa ~ Commercial Arts Substitute, for bringing this bit of Holiday cheer to LCCTC.