LCCTC's SkillsUSA members Give Thanks to Veterans

On Saturday morning, November 12th, 2022, the Lawrence County Chapter of SkillsUSA Opening and Closing Team and current and graduated members from 2022 O & C State Gold Medalists participated in our city’s annual Veteran’s Day Parade to honor the men and women who have served our country in the armed forces.

These eleven — plus a few additional family members and friends of SkillsUSA and LCCTC, gathered to help the Lawrence County Veteran’s Council and members of the VFW Women’s Auxiliary distribute POW MIA flags to veterans along the parade route. Current members — sporting their traditional red SkillsUSA blazers and former graduated members — wearing black SkillsUSA Carhartt jackets walked along the route. With their bright red hats and scarves, handcrafted with love by former LCCTC secretary Sandy Jones, they were ready to brave the cold of the day in comfort and style.

Along the way, we found a few friends — others from LCCTC who were also showing their appreciation and participating in the parade. Mr. Miller (Machine Tool Technician instructor) — fire chief of Bessemer volunteer firefighters, Ms. Ledsome (LCCTC building substitute) — Navy veteran, Austin Paukner (Health Assistant senior) — member of the New Castle Marching Hurricane Band, Caden Hall (Commercial Art senior ) — member of Shenango Wildcat Marching Band, and William Haeberle (Electrical Occupation senior) — Scouts BSA Troop #718.

SkillsUSA team members learned how to identify the men and women who served our country — by their distinctive Garrison Side Caps and embroidered Armed Services Caps. Positioned toward the front of the parade, LCCTC’s SkillsUSA students and graduates made their way through the streets smiling and waving. They were warmly greeted by community members and Veterans with their families whose hearts were already filled with so much support. It was humbling to look into the eyes of the veterans, shake their hands, and thank them for their service.

“Shaking the hands of the veterans and seeing them smile is my favorite memory,” states first-year member Maddy Werner (Health Assistant junior). “I was honored to give thanks to those who served our country.”

Although the temperatures dipped compared to the weekend before, it didn’t deter parade-goes from attending. It was great to see that there was a strong turnout to show their appreciation for the veterans of our community.

The ability to say a simple, “Thank you” was an honor. These SkillsUSA members may look at their time spent walking in the parade as a service project; however, the warmth and kindness returned from the veterans and families made it seem like the students were the recipients of something special, instead.

Veterans — LCCTC appreciates and respects you! Thank you for your service.