SWPBS to Westgate Cinemas & Special Thank You!

The first School Wide Positive Behavior Trip took place October 27th at Westgate Movie Theatre.

The cost of the trip was $8 and included the movie, popcorn, and a drink! What a bargain!

Students must have been discipline-referral-free and in compliance with the school’s attendance policy from September 26-October 26.

The SWPBS students and the staff and administration at LCCTC would like to thank Westgate Cinemas for hosting our students, once again! We greatly appreciate your support of our SWPBS program!

We would also like to send a special thank Mr. Ernie Orelli for arranging this event for our kids. Though this will be your final event with LCCTC’s SWPBS program, a program you chaired since its inception years ago, we will continue to honor your legacy by making good choices and ensuring that our school has a positive learning environment! We wish you our best as you continue your educational career as the Dean of Pupil Services at the Butler County Area Vocational Technical School!

Carolyn McVickerSWPB, Orelli