SkillsUSA Nationals Update 2021

All three of our Health Assistant competitors have finished their competitions with smiles; THAT was the #1 goal:  To make this experience a positive one!  Now -- it’s time to wait for the results.  

We are also proud to announce that our seven-member Opening and Closing Team has made it to the final round for the 5th year in a row!  Their next step:  To wait for their results! 

In spite of the struggles and stresses that came with the 2020-2021 school year, these students have done an incredible job, giving the entire Lawrence County community and the state of Pennsylvania every reason to be incredibly proud of all they accomplished!

Good luck to our LCCTC Pennsylvania state champions as they await their results from National Competition!  

The award ceremony will be held on June 24th. 

Good luck Madi, Corrin, Parker, Tyler, Lita, Alexis, Katie, Lucy, Daniella, and Mayella!