Silver Bells 2021 Holiday Dance

With silvery scenes of twinkling lights and glistening snowflakes dancing in their heads, the student council and committee spent the past few months planning the evening filled with fun, friends, and long-lasting memories. The music was a hit, the food was delicious, and the smiles and dancing went on and on and on during last night’s Silver Bells 2021 Holiday Dance!

Proudly representing the class of 2022 as the Queen’s Court were seniors Amber Birckbichler (MTT from Mohawk), Katie Bober (VA from Laurel), Parker Frelin (HA from Ellwood), and Maylene Ritter (Cos from Ellwood). Congratulations to Alexis Koelliker (Cos from Shenango), 2021 Holiday Dance Queen!

A big thank you goes to Corporal Hoyland and the New Castle Police Department for providing security, to LCCTC’s custodial staff for helping with setup and tear-down, to RT for supplying the treats, to the faculty for their help chaperoning, and to the administration for their support. A big thank you goes to Ms. Cozza, Mrs. Brown, and Mrs. Caiazza, and the sophomore class of 2024 for all of their hard work.

If you have pictures of the dance that you’d like to share, email them to Mrs. McVicker