Meet Your Junior Class President, Elia McKnight

Meet Elia Rae McKnight, Electrical Occupations junior from Laurel!

Q: What clubs, sports, or activities have you been involved in at LCCTC?

A: I was not able to be in any sort of clubs last year due to Covid; however, this year in addition to student council, I am excited to have been selected for Peer Leadership and am ecstatic to be a member of the SkillsUSA Opening and Closing team. I’m also taking Dual Enrollment Algebra and Speech classes.

Q: What is something interesting that people might not know about you?

A: Prior to my sophomore year at LCCTC, I was homeschooled and am actually only 15 since my mom moved me up a year with my brother when I was 4.  Additionally, if you haven’t yet met me, you’ll soon find that I’m not shy. Please talk to me; I’m a HUGE extrovert!

Q: What are you most looking forward to this school year?

A: I am sooooo excited to help plan the events for us this year; I had such a great time attending things like the Fall Flannel Fest and Prom last year. Who knows what fun we can have this year! I promise to do my best to represent the class of 2023. I’m really excited to compete with the Opening and Closing Team because I love a good challenge; being able to travel to different places and represent our school is pretty exciting to me. I’m ready to work hard to make sure we do all we can to earn the opportunity to travel to Hershey for state championships and to Atlanta, Georgia for nationals! I also really love helping with Peer Leadership and meeting new people.

Q: Who in your life deserves a shout-out for helping you make it this far?

A: My mom deserves a shout-out, for sure. She has taught me pretty much everything I know. I will never forget that she gave up her teaching career to teach my siblings and me.

Q: How has LCCTC changed your life?

A: I'm amazed. In the short time I've been here LCCTC has already made a huge impact on me — especially socially and through career options.  When I first came to school, I was incredibly nervous every single day for the first few months. However, I gradually became as involved as I could be for it being pandemic, and I was excited about school events. This year, I have made the decision to step outside of my formerly introverted self and just go for it. Being involved in organizations like Peer Leadership gives me a huge opportunity to get out there and meet new people from our school and community. I also love that we have a program like SkillsUSA for kids who study in the vocational fields, and the opportunity to meet others with the same interests from all over the nation is exciting! As class president, I look forward to getting to know others in the class of 2023; I hope that if you see me in the hallway, you feel comfortable enough to just walk up to me and say, “Hi!” I’ll certainly welcome the chance to meet you!

Q: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Honestly, I have absolutely no idea, but I still have time. Thankfully, I have several options:

  • I could open an electrical business with my brother

  • I could be a writer

  • I could be a stay-at-home mom

Wherever I am and whatever I’m doing, I will always have that quality work ethic that both my family and LCCTC have instilled in me.

Q: If there was one quote that would sum up who you are, what would it be? And why? 

“I am curious in my sadness, and I am curious in my joy. I am ever seeking, ever feeling.” ~ Bianca Sparacino, Seeds Planted in Concrete