Meet Secretary Amber Birckbichler

We’d like to introduce you to Amber Birckbichler, senior Machine Tool Technology student from Mohawk and secretary of the Class of 2022.

Q: What clubs, sports, or activities have you been involved in at LCCTC?

A: I’ve been a member of the Golden Eagle Manufacturing Club, I was inducted into the National Honor Society, and this year, I look forward to competing in SkillsUSA.

Q: What is something interesting that people might not know about you?

A: I am a part of Bessemer's Volunteer Fire Department

Q: What are you most looking forward to this school year?

A: I'm looking forward to graduating with my friends and being able to walk across the stage in my cap and gown, and when I reach to take my diploma, I shake the hand of my teacher — who is my dad! 

Q: Who in your life deserves a shout-out for helping you make it this far?

A: I would have never made it here without my dad. He not only helped me throughout school; he helped me even before I came to LCCTC! Though I may sometimes roll my eyes when he speaks, I’m pretty lucky to have him. 

Q: How has LCCTC changed your life?

A: At LCCTC, I have had incredible opportunities. I'm involved in extracurricular opportunities — more than I ever have been, and I have more learning opportunities than ever before!

Q: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

A: Ten years down the road, I see myself with a college degree in mechanical engineering. I've been wanting to go to college for mechanical engineering for 4 years now. This degree is very diverse with everything from computer technology to hands-on work, and with the knowledge I have gained here, I feel ready to make this next step.

Q: If there was one word that would sum up who you are, what would it be?

A: “Astonishing” — The work I am able to do is impressive and amazing!

Carolyn McVicker