Old School Meets New School in EO

Electrical Occupations students know the most fundamental law in electricity: V=IR or Ohm’s Law. Sometimes, the lessons don’t change much from year to year: working with pencil and paper to rough out a blueprint, putting a hammer to nail to secure a junction box for a light, and always remembering safety…safety…safety.

However, today, the apprentice had a little lesson to share with the master. Busy bending conduit, Reece called out, “Hey Mr. Montini — did’ja know there’s an app for Trig?”

“Really? Show me!” was the reply, as Mr. Montini, Electrical Occupations Instructor smiled; he had mentioned it to the class before, and Reece had taken the bait.

Then to the rest of the shop, Mr. Montini enthusiastically announces: “Do you see? There’s ALWAYS something new to learn! Always be willing to add to your ‘mental tool belt’! — Now get back to work!”

And with that, they all returned to their tasks — smiling a bit more.